In a perfect world Mother’s Day would be perfect and life would be uninterrupted and simple. But life as we know it is not always that way.
There are mothers whose children are incarcerated…We pray for them.
There are mothers who are incarcerated…We pray for them.
There are mothers who patiently wait for the return of their children from foreign lands as they protect our freedoms…We pray for them.
There are mothers who see their children return from war very different people…
We pray for them.
We pray for them.
There are mothers who watch their adult children make choices that break their hearts…
We pray for them.
We pray for them.
There are mothers who are victims of abuse…We pray for them.
There are mothers who have sent their children home to heaven…
We pray for them.
We pray for them.
There are mothers whose tragic choices have separated them from their children…
We pray for them.
We pray for them.
There are mothers who step in to become something every child deserves;
foster mothers…We pray for them.
foster mothers…We pray for them.
There are mothers who did not bear the child that has stolen their hearts, adoptive mothers,
We pray for them.
We pray for them.
There are mothers who sadly live on the streets…We pray for them.
There are mothers who have given their children up in hopes of a better life, longing to know they are safe…
We pray for them.
We pray for them.
For Mothers…in all circumstances.
In a perfect world, it would be just that…perfect.
But life as we know is not perfect, that is for the eternal.
So this Mother’s Day, amidst all of the “sentimental verses” the women at the Cafe pray for the real mothers.
Living very real circumstances.
Very real lives.
Living very real circumstances.
Very real lives.