Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th Of July!

Happy Independence Day!

Let's remember to give God thanks for this country, our troops and their families for their tremendous sacrifices and our veterans!

God Bless America!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Glory And Praise To Our Triune God!!

I have been missing in action from this blog for too long. God is doing some amazing things in my
life lately for which I am humbly grateful. At the same time I have been challenged greatly in several areas
but as apostle Paul encourages us I "count it all joy". I am being stretched and pulled on the Master Potter's
wheel and am being purified through a "refiner's fire" and one day I will come out as "pure gold". As the Holy
Trinity surrounds me and fills me I am experiencing a great intimacy in my relationships with them.I pray for
you all and the whole world as we are instructed to do.  As I go from faith to faith and glory to glory I pray that
something I say or do draws others to the love of Christ. Stay prayerful and blessed!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

There Are Mothers

In a perfect world Mother’s Day would be perfect and life would be uninterrupted and simple. But life as we know it is not always that way.
There are mothers whose children are incarcerated…We pray for them.
There are mothers who are incarcerated…We pray for them.
There are mothers who patiently wait for the return of their children from foreign lands as they protect our freedoms…We pray for them.
There are mothers who see their children return from war very different people…
We pray for them.
There are mothers who watch their adult children make choices that break their hearts…
We pray for them.
There are mothers who are victims of abuse…We pray for them.
There are mothers who have sent their children home to heaven…
We pray for them.
There are mothers whose tragic choices have separated them from their children…
We pray for them.
There are mothers who step in to become something every child deserves;
foster mothers…We pray for them.
There are mothers who did not bear the child that has stolen their hearts, adoptive mothers,
We pray for them.
There are mothers who sadly live on the streets…We pray for them.
There are mothers who have given their children up in hopes of a better life, longing to know they are safe…
We pray for them.
For Mothers…in all circumstances.
In a perfect world, it would be just that…perfect.
But life as we know is not perfect, that is for the eternal.
So this Mother’s Day, amidst all of the “sentimental verses” the women at the Cafe pray for the real mothers.
Living very real circumstances.
Very real lives.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Coming Up For A Breath Of Air!!!

Greetings, everyone and blessings from our gracious and merciful Father! Many are the afflictions of the righteous but God delivers us from them all! I am coming out from  under a cloud of testing and tribulation, but thank the Father that He has not left me without help but with the Comforter/Holy Spirit!! My granddaughter was hospitalized for 2 weeks and several days after her release her mom was hospitalized for 7-8 days!

But look at God! I have went from being right at the edge of homelessness to the owner of a new home never lived in and with brand new appliances! All within the last 7-8 months!!!  A bit later I will elaborate on what a loving God and doer of miracles has been up to while the enemy has been a pain in my royal_ _ _!!!!!

For all those who are in need of or are desiring to own a home go to in your county. There are federal monies available that will assist you with 20-50% of the cost of the house of your choice that you meet criteria for from their list of available homes. Study the criteria and in and outs of the program and you could be a homeowner in an average of 4-6 months. It is all 100%  legit and under governmental supervision. I gotta go but stay real and in God's presence!! Love, Jan

Monday, March 7, 2011

Calling All Prayer Warriors!

My 12 year old granddaughter A'keyla has been in the hospital for almost 2 weeks with pancreas and liver related issues. Pray for her healing and for the wisdom of the medical team in working with her. Pray for her peace of mind because she doesn't need to worry about missing school or any other thing. I've taught her to pray and she became a born again Christian at about 8 years of age.

Also keep her 8 year old brother Jonathan in prayer because due to a flawed court system his dad has had physical custody of him  for almost 4 years in Miami and he desperately wants to live with his mom and sister in Naples. I've also taught him to pray and he says he prays every day.

Pray for Nikki, the kids mom who has her plate full with all this and missing work. The plan is for me to go and relieve her at the St. Pete hospital and stay in the hospital room .

 Lastly pray for yours truly to walk in the peace of God through all of the above and more! Not to forget that  God's got it!! Blessings! Jan

Monday, February 28, 2011

What Do You Believe About Death

A dear fellow artist and blogger has a recent post about death and dying. There were many comments in response to her post. Many of us as in some of her bloggers responses chose not to think about dying or death. As a 27 year nurse and a born again Christian I have dealt with the issue on many levels. I will copy and paste my response to her post and her link so that others may share in this issue.

"I'm glad you decided against deleting this post my friend! I will be 54 on May 20th and dealing with my 90 year old mom and visiting her in a Naples nursing home makes me think frequently of making the final transition. I use to fear death but as I've sought a closer relationship with Jesus Christ I am reminded of the scripture 2 Corinthians 5:8... "we are confident, I say, and pleased rather to be absent from the body and present with the Lord." I no longer fear death but rather am anxious to live this gift of life as fully and gloriously as possible. When I look back I am aware that I was more complacent than I should have been. My faith in God has EVERYTHING to do with my now being reassured. We are here Constance only for a moment! I pray to make a positive and helpful difference for others in the rest of my allotted time here. Hugs and Blessings, Jan

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love Is The Principle Thing!

Yesterday was celebrated by people the world over as a special day to honor specific loved ones.
Do we walk in love with the specific loved ones everyday? Do we kiss that person and curse that person with the same mouth? Let's strive for consistency in our love walk. "Father we pray to walk in love all day, every day even when we don't feel particularly loving. It should not be that we put on love and take it off like a piece of clothing. Teach us to love with Your kind of love. In Jesus' name, Amen!!"

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What About The Children?

Today I was trying to work on some things and was aware of a very unsettled "feeling". I stopped for a moment and was aware that the Holy Spirit was entreating me to pray. As I continued tidying some things I started giving thanks to the Lord for many things we take for granted. Like the ability to make a bed, or sweep a floor. As I continued giving thanks my heart began to swell within me and the next thing I knew I was in praise and worship to my Father. Tears flowed and I began interceding for others. My loved ones, recent tragedies in the local and international news. Especially for the children. I wept for the children in Egypt and other places of upheaval and unrest. With all the craziness going on what are the little ones thinking? 

I began to struggle with the knowledge that since the beginning of the human race children have been heirs to much of the wrongdoing by the adults in their lives. When Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed did the children die too? Were there children even living in these cities at the time of destruction? What about the children during the "flood" when all living creatures except for those in the ark perished?

When God ordered certain cities or areas destroyed and all the goods brought back to the camps and He instructed that everything and everybody be destroyed, what about the children?

I know that these questions will probably never be answered in this life but perhaps when God returns and I can see Him face to face, will I remember to ask about the children?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's a Mad Mad World!

MIAMI, Fla.  Family, friends, and thousands of fellow police officers from across the state gathered Monday at a funeral service for two  Miami-Dade County police officers who lost their lives last week in the line of duty. The crowd packed the American Airlines Arena in downtown Miami to honor 41-year-old Roger Castillo and 44-year-old Amanda Haworth, who were killed Thursday ,January 20th, 2011 while serving a warrant on a suspected killer.
The suspect, 22-year-old Johnny Simms, was killed by another officer.
The service fell on the same day that two St. Petersburg police officers were shot and killed while trying to arrest a man on a warrant for aggravated battery,  Monday, January 24th, 2011
The news that more of Florida's finest had been killed added to the grief for those already mourning Castillo and Haworth.

Pray for our  police officers who risk their lives everyday to protect our way of life and our lives. Pray for the families and loved ones of slain officers. Give if you can to benevolent funds for the children and spouses.

Father God we pray for the ones in place to protect and serve our communities, police, firemen, EMT's and all others who risk their lives everyday.  We pray for the blood of Jesus to cover them, that angels form a hedge of protection around them. We pray for the salvation of those who don't know You. We pray for the potential criminals who You love as You love all of us, that they hear the Good News according to Your gospel, and cease and desist from evil doing. In Jesus name we pray, Amen!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

See How Our Children Really Feel!

BY A 15 yr. Old SCHOOL KID IN   ARIZONA     

Since the Pledge of Allegiance
The Lord's Prayer
Are not allowed in most
Public schools anymore
Because the word 'God' is mentioned.....
A kid in Arizona wrote the attached

NEW School prayer: 
Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.

If scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights. 
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.

Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene..
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.

For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all..
In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the state.

We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks...
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such 'judgments' do not belong..

We can get our condoms and birth controls, 
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.. 
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed, 
No word of God must reach this crowd.

It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; My soul please take!

If you aren't ashamed to do this,  Please pass this on..
Jesus said,  'If you are ashamed of me,  I will be ashamed of you before my Father.'

Friday, January 7, 2011

Trusting God

I have been in a very tight place, like in a holding pattern for airplanes that are flying around and around in a circle and can't land because the conditions are not favorable for landing. While I have been in this place I am fullly aware that the Father is working somethings out in me, changing me to look more like Jesus. The Holy Spirit is very present, helping me to seek the Lord and His Word and to meditate consistently before Him. My spiritual ear is being developed, fine tuned and I am becoming more sensitive the the voice of Father God. He is truly feeling more like a Father and not some far off twilight zone spooky being. God is real, He is a person and He relates to us in a more way real than any human being can relate. We have to seek walking daily in the spirit and to continually dwell in His presence.

Despite one of the most challenging times of my life, the whole of 2010 and moving into 2011 has been about letting go and letting God change me for the better. Not so much my circumstances but me. I am trusting Him more, loving more like Him, and my mind is being renewed by His Word. Love has been the principal thing He is developing in me, not a carnal love, but His divine unconditional love. I implore all to seek His presence with everything in you and seek to love as He does because He is love!!!

Pray for me as I pray for you to seek Him with all your heart.