Monday, February 28, 2011

What Do You Believe About Death

A dear fellow artist and blogger has a recent post about death and dying. There were many comments in response to her post. Many of us as in some of her bloggers responses chose not to think about dying or death. As a 27 year nurse and a born again Christian I have dealt with the issue on many levels. I will copy and paste my response to her post and her link so that others may share in this issue.

"I'm glad you decided against deleting this post my friend! I will be 54 on May 20th and dealing with my 90 year old mom and visiting her in a Naples nursing home makes me think frequently of making the final transition. I use to fear death but as I've sought a closer relationship with Jesus Christ I am reminded of the scripture 2 Corinthians 5:8... "we are confident, I say, and pleased rather to be absent from the body and present with the Lord." I no longer fear death but rather am anxious to live this gift of life as fully and gloriously as possible. When I look back I am aware that I was more complacent than I should have been. My faith in God has EVERYTHING to do with my now being reassured. We are here Constance only for a moment! I pray to make a positive and helpful difference for others in the rest of my allotted time here. Hugs and Blessings, Jan


  1. Perfect response! I really don't know how people can lead happy, fulfilling lives knowing that we are all dying. I'm reading a book by the late Billy Graham and he said (paraphrase): I'm a dying man talking to an audience of dying men.

    Our view of eternity will influence how we live our lives on earth!

  2. Jan, I'm sure you have a lot of wisdom to share to those who need to hear the good news of Christ. Thank you so much for reading my Wipeout article and leaving a kind comment on my blog. We're nothing without the washing and second chances Christ gives. Have a blessed weekend in Him!
