Saturday, June 25, 2011

Glory And Praise To Our Triune God!!

I have been missing in action from this blog for too long. God is doing some amazing things in my
life lately for which I am humbly grateful. At the same time I have been challenged greatly in several areas
but as apostle Paul encourages us I "count it all joy". I am being stretched and pulled on the Master Potter's
wheel and am being purified through a "refiner's fire" and one day I will come out as "pure gold". As the Holy
Trinity surrounds me and fills me I am experiencing a great intimacy in my relationships with them.I pray for
you all and the whole world as we are instructed to do.  As I go from faith to faith and glory to glory I pray that
something I say or do draws others to the love of Christ. Stay prayerful and blessed!