Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th Of July!

Happy Independence Day!

Let's remember to give God thanks for this country, our troops and their families for their tremendous sacrifices and our veterans!

God Bless America!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Janice
    NOW I get it! I haven't joined THIS blog yet...but now I just did. I look forward to more posts on this blog. My sister Rebecca decided to do a more spiritual blog and the very NEXT DAY one of her young sons (7 years old) accidentally spilled his cup of water on her computer and he avoided telling her until it was too late for her to sop up the water so her computer died. She really felt it was because she was going to reach out to people for the Lord. It really disappointed her. go girl! With this very needful blog.
    love to you my sister in Christ!
